A better destination for waste flows
Nature's Pride sometimes also receives produce that fails to meet trading standards and customer specifications, but is still of good internal quality and therefore deserves a better destination than the 'waste bin'.

Admittedly, this is not always easy as a processing step is required to restore value so the produce can be marketed. This is not part of the core business of Nature's Pride and requires the assistance of third parties. This year we have noticed that our buyers, who are extremely committed to their products that have been grown with such great care and attention, have increased their ability to connect with the food processing industry and vice versa.
As well as sending avocados to guacamole processors, sweet potatoes are now also being processed into fries, pomegranates turned by a processor into pomegranate pips and cranberries are being made into puree and juice concentrate. And now, a processor is also extracting oil from oil-rich avocados. It might all seem logical, but various challenges need to be overcome. From systems not equipped to handle multiple categories, to a continuous conflict and balancing of additional handling, delivery specifications, volumes, available (storage) space and costs vs. benefits.
Setting a goal for the organisation and quantifying it are important initial steps in the right direction. Ultimately, however, it is dedicated and creative people who make the extra effort to create new forms of cooperation and make it possible for us to reduce food waste together!