1. Procurement & Growers
Water Training
In 2020 we developed together with water experts Good Stuff International an in-house training in order to enable our buyers to take water into account in procurement decisions. The training includes core water concepts, including the water cycle, risk assessment and value chain resilience. The first group of 20 buyers graduated in Q3 2020. In Q1 of this year we started with the second group.
Water Protocol
Our Suppliers Agreement now contains a specific section about responsible water use. In addition, we have developed an internal Water Protocol which guides buyers in their procurement decisions based on the water situation in a given sourcing area. We also made detailed water stress maps of our sourcing countries.
Best Practices – SPRING certification
Nature’s Pride growers were among the first to receive SPRING certification, the new GLOBALG.A.P. water add-on, that independently verifies legality of water resources and best practices. In 2021 we aim to roll-out SPRING to 60% of our priority growers.
2. The Sector
Sector wide water KPIs for the next 5 years
Nature’s Pride signed the new SIFAV 2025 Convenant and contributed actively to formulating the water KPIs for our sector for the coming five years. These entail water audits implemented for 70% of volume from high water risk countries and benchmark water efficiency levels reached in 3 prioritized catchments in 2025.
3. Priority Catchments
Methodology for catchment collaboration trialled in Ica, Peru
Together with IDH/SIFAV we successfully trialled the Catchment Passport© methodology developed by water experts Good Stuff International. The Passport process facilitates alignment, articulation and engagement of stakeholders, both local and international, in visualizing which concrete steps can be taken towards a more water resilient value chain. The trial was executed in Ica, Peru, with participation of more than 25 local stakeholders. The outcomes of the Ica Catchment Passport© were received with great interest by a group of 70 representatives of the European market in a workshop early 2021. We will continue to consolidate the application of this methodology during 2021.